How your attitude towards food affects you
Hello Adventurers!
I’m currently reading the book “Shrill” by Lindy West and she mentions how once she changed her mindset towards food, she started losing weight when nothing else had worked for her. YES!!! This is so true, and something I work on with my wellness coaching clients.
In our society, we are conditioned to view certain foods as the enemy. We’ve all done this - the chocolate is bad, the kale is good, yada, yada. But, this causes us to feel stress, right? Stress when we eat the things we have deemed “bad”. And stress causes us to not fully digest our food, saving it as fat for when we are in a relaxed state.
But, what if food wasn’t the enemy? What if it was ALL just energy, waiting to power our bodies? Yep, all…that apple fritter, that cream puff, those Doritos…they’re all just energy to power your body. Is some energy better than others, for sure. Veggies, fruits, healthy fats, they all have components that enrich our bodies in more ways than just providing energy. But even “bad” foods are still giving you energy - maybe not in the most optimal way, but energy all the same.
One of my clients said this was her biggest “A-Ha!” moment of working with me. It allowed her to not mentally beat herself up when she ate a food traditionally thought of as “bad”. It removed the stress from that situation. It encouraged her to eat more intuitively, thinking about which foods gave her more energy than others, and being able to choose those foods.
Changing mindsets towards food is just one thing that we work on in my wellness coaching programs. While it seems small, it can lead to big results.
If you’re interested in learning more, drop me a line! I’d love to hear from you.