Emily Stieber- Health and Wellness Coach

"Fear is excitement on pause."

stacey morgenstern

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Ready to take the next step towards feeling amazing, to managing chronic conditions, to losing weight? 

There are a few ways to dive into the next phase of your health journey

Energy Transformation Discovery Session

Sign up for your FREE Energy Transformation Discovery Session HERE.

In this 45-60 minute phone session, you'll: 

  • Uncover what's been stopping you, slowing you down or keeping you from having the body-and the energy- you want

  • Develop a powerful vision for your Energy Transformation, and what it will mean for you, for your health and for your life

  • Discover which foods and lifestyle habits are bringing your body down...and what to do about it

  • Get crystal clear on a step-by-step plan to upgrade your energy in 90 days or less

Sign up today!

The 90-Day Energy Adventure

This is where the big stuff happens! In this program, we have 12 one-on-one sessions (45 min-1 hr) either on the phone or in person. We create new habits that will last, get rid of things that no longer serve you, try new things, and, of course, have fun! Throughout the course of this program, we explore:

  • What foods are best for your body and give you the most energy

  • How to have more energy than you ever have before

  • Who you are being while you are eating and how that affects your energy, weight and mindset

  • Which type of movement pumps you up the most

  • How to get the most out of your night's sleep

  • And so much more!

Pricing: $997 in full or three payments of $397

The 28 Day Energy Adventure Jump-start

In this 4 week program we work to up your energy as quickly as possible. We have four one-on-one sessions either on the phone or in person. We explore:

  • What foods and beverages give you energy and which take away

  • How your lifestyle is affecting your energy

  • Solutions to that afternoon slump

  • And more!

Pricing: $337 in full or two payments of $197

The 14-Day Detox adventure

Don't worry...you get to eat food! This gentle detox helps you discover which food types may be negatively affecting your body. It is a two week "slow down": a chance to give yourself a little more attention and love. Through three sessions with me, we'll prep, keep you on track, and celebrate. Group options available for this program.

Pricing: $147 in full or two payments of $87. Group pricing available.

Talks and Events

Bring me into your business, gym, or group of friends! We'll have a talk on a health topic of your choice, with the option to add a short yoga class as well! Contact me for more information.

Yoga Classes

Do you like a yoga class that will make you sweat, then relax you down? Those are my specialty! I am a 200 Hr certified yoga teacher and have been teaching since 2015. Corporate yoga, bachelorette yoga, private or small group instruction available.


Ready to Change your life?

Sign up for your FREE Energy Transformation Discovery Session
