Living Healthfully in Times of Quarantine
Hello folks,
How are you doing in this time of social distancing and quarantine? Feeling ok or going a little crazy? Eating lovely healthy meals or snacking a bit too much? Working out or binging Netflix? Or some combination of everything, depending on the day…
I get it. I go back and forth daily, and I can’t even imagine how difficult it must be for those who are essential workers, have children at home, or are caring for someone who is ill. Sending lots of love to y’all.
It’s an uncertain time, and uncertainty can be very scary. This can take a toll on our health and stress levels for sure. Whether you’re using this time to try to achieve a million goals you set for yourself, or just trying to make it through the day (or somewhere in the middle), remembering these three things will go a long way to help your health.
1) Take a mindful moment during the day – sometime during the day, make sure to mentally be present. Hug your dog. Appreciate the picture on your wall. Enjoy the sunlight streaming in your window. Enjoy the taste of the food you’re eating. Listen to the sounds you hear around you. Appreciate something about your current situation. Grounding yourself in the moment can calm feelings of anxiety and help you be grateful for the things that you have.
2) Stay hydrated – I know, I know, you’ve heard it before. But, for me at least, its harder to remember to drink enough water when I’m at home rather than sitting at my desk at the office with my giant water bottle staring me in the face. Remembering to stay hydrated at home keeps your energy up, keeps your mind from feeling as “brain -foggy” and helps cut down on cravings. A couple tips to help you remember to do this: start the day with one or two big glasses of water…then you’re well on your way! Leave a full glass of water somewhere that you pass by or see often. Take a gulp or two every time you pass.
3) Be kind, especially to yourself – being kind to those around you, knowing that everyone is having a bit of a difficult time right now, is easy to justify to ourselves. Being kind to ourselves can be harder. It is easy to fall into the temptation to mentally beat ourselves up every time we catch ourselves snacking, don’t get a workout in, or feel like we’re being lazy. When you find yourself falling into a negative thought pattern about yourself or your behavior, remind yourself that these are unprecedented times, and you’re doing the best you can at this moment. Ask what your best friend would say to you if they heard your negative self-talk. Allow yourself to be ok with how you are at this moment and acknowledge your wish to change in the future. Set a small goal in that moment (I’m talking small…like take a walk around the neighborhood, or wake up half an hour earlier tomorrow), either for tomorrow or post-quarantine, and put it in your phone or write it down. Use that small goal set yourself up for a better experience tomorrow.
Hope these are helpful or at least good reminders. If I can support you in any way, please reach out. Stay tuned for next week’s mini-workout!